"Matsuri Festival Sydney" is a Japanese festival held every year to celebrate Japanese culture and cross-cultural friendship between the Japanese community and the local community in Sydney, Australia.
I created a vinyl banner and four menus for the "Lucky Mart" food and drink stalls.
The season is the height of summer!
With a design that evokes the imagination of drinking by the sea and a huge banner depicting shaved ice, the soul food of the Japanese people in the middle of summer, it will be a great way to attract customers despite the heat!
This was part of my job when I was working for Sushi Factory (Australia) Pty Ltd in Sydney."Matsuri Festival Sydney.
"Matsuri Festival Sydney" とは、オーストラリアのシドニーで日本文化と現地の人々との異文化交流を目的に毎年開催される日本のお祭りです。
これは、シドニーのSushi Factory (Australia) Pty Ltdで働いていた時の仕事の一部です。